Sunday, July 12, 2009

Ashram, Ashram and Ashram for Arjun

We (myself, my wife and the three boys) are doing a pilgrimage trip to India this summer - starting on the 19th of July (right after the Chinmayandha Camp for the boys) . IAD to Frankfurt, Frankfurt to Mumbai, spend a few days in Mumbai/suburbs - Chinmaya HQ center, ancient Siva temples, etc. Followed by a 2 day trip to Shridhi Sai Madhir (while we see Nasik and other ancient temples). On the 29th we fly from Mumbai to the new B'lore airport and drive up to Parthi (80km) and stay at Parthi with Baba for a few days. Return to B'lore to be in Gurudev's presence (the weekend of 08/1st). Leave for chennai sunday night. Do a trip to Kanchi, Tenangur, Ramana Maharishi Ashram, etc., during the week and then return on the 7th night from Chennai to Franfurt to IAD. Majority of our stays will be in Ashrams.. I will take notes and a lot of pictures!! I have a feeling this trip will be the most memorable one in my life. Yesterday all of us had HUGS from Amma, an experience that every living soul should have..

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