Sunday, January 25, 2009

Prestigious Padmashree Awarded to Dr. P Jayaraman

My own "Periappa" -- meanings Dad's elder brother from the Bharatiya Vidhya Bhavan was awarded the "Padmashree" for 2009", for his work on Literature and Education. Dr. P. Jayaraman has authored 15+ books and is a scholar of Sanskrit and the Sacred texts of India. It is always a delight to hear him speak and be in his presence. I pray that there will be an interesting event soon in 2009, where Dr. P Jayaraman, Dr. Siva and Dr. Deepak Chopra and a few others will come together -- for something special that is cooking!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I was searching for Dr Jayaraman and found your blog. 'Congratulations' to him for this great achievement. I am looking for a way to buy one of his books 'A course in Hindi' - preferably online or if you know of any specific store in Mumbai. Please let me know or post it here. Thanks