Monday, January 26, 2009

People and Politics Partnering for PEACE

I Love the IDEA of the Department of Peace !! Mark your calendar -- March 20th weekend in DC!! This needs to happen NOW!!

Intrigued with the notion of Transcending an Individuals Identity

Given that I work in the Identity Space, it was very interesting to hear Dr. Deepak Chopra identify the fact that our President Barak Obama Transcends National Identity, Religious Identity and Racial Identity, which is key reason why I believe Secular Spirituality is possible today.

Partnering with India for PEACE and PROSPERITY

Read this message from President Obama on Partnering with India, Republic Day Jan 26, 2009. Here is an excellent note from Dr. Deepak Chopra on achieving a Peace based Economy;

The following is a memo to Barack Obama from Deepak Chopra

You have been elected by the first anti-war constituency since 1952, when Dwight D. Eisenhower was elected after promising to end the Korean War. But ending a war isn't the same as bringing peace. America has been on a war footing since the day after Pearl Harbor, 67 years ago. We spend more on our military than the next 16 countries combined. If you have a vision of change that goes to the heart of this country's deep problems, ending our dependence on war is far more important than ending our dependency on foreign oil.

The most immediate changes are economic. Unless it can make as much money as war, peace doesn't stand a chance. Since aerospace and military technologies remain the United States' most destructive export, fostering wars around the world, what steps can we take to reverse that trend and build a peace-based economy?

1. Scale out arms dealing and make it illegal by the year 2020.

2. Write into every defense contract a requirement for a peacetime project.

3. Subsidize conversion of military companies to peaceful uses with tax incentives and direct funding.

4. Convert military bases to housing for the poor.

5. Phase out all foreign military bases.

6. Require military personnel to devote part of their time to rebuilding infrastructure.

7. Call a moratorium on future weapons technologies.

8. Reduce armaments like destroyers and submarines that have no use against terrorism and were intended to defend against a superpower enemy that no longer exists.

9. Fully fund social services and take the balance out of the defense and homeland security budgets.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Prestigious Padmashree Awarded to Dr. P Jayaraman

My own "Periappa" -- meanings Dad's elder brother from the Bharatiya Vidhya Bhavan was awarded the "Padmashree" for 2009", for his work on Literature and Education. Dr. P. Jayaraman has authored 15+ books and is a scholar of Sanskrit and the Sacred texts of India. It is always a delight to hear him speak and be in his presence. I pray that there will be an interesting event soon in 2009, where Dr. P Jayaraman, Dr. Siva and Dr. Deepak Chopra and a few others will come together -- for something special that is cooking!!

Peace Awards at Pope John Paul's Cultural Center

Today, I recollected attending this event thanks to my Dad, to honor Dr. Siva from the DC Area. This was the 1st time I got see Dr. Deepak Chopra in person. He is one of the greatest Teachers that India offers to the world. If you get a chance to see his youtube videos, do it. Totally amazing!! The most eloquent author and speaker I've come across. I remember this event vividly, primarily because of the amazing achievements of Dr. Siva, from the DC area, our family friend. I am also eagerly awaiting to see the planned US tour of Gurudev in 2009. Hopefully in April/May timeframe!! JGD