Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Positive Peace Vs Negative Peace

I came across this quote on "Positive Peace" vs "Negative Peace"

" Negative peace refers to the practices to limit and prevent war and collective violence. We’ll take a very holistic approach to violence because many of the major human rights violations can be considered as forms of violence. More often than not, the response to serious violations is enacted from a negative peace perspective in order to quell the immediate violence. Unfortunately, negative peace practices do not necessarily get at the root causes of the violations nor do they strive for substantive social change. Positive peace is more concerned with establishing life-long and life-enhancing human rights values which are a necessary pre-condition for a culture of peace. Positive peace not only attempts to understand the base causes of violence, but it’s goal is fundamental social transformation".

All of Gurudev's initiatives are for "Positive Peace" - a fundamental social transformation that changes the mind, body and spirit of every human being - touched by him and his programs!!!

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