Sunday, September 12, 2010

Discover the Divinity in your own DEPTH!!

Yesterday being 9/11 - I was very disturbed just reviewing some of the news in the Washington Post... and at the Hair Cuttery - I was thinking about the co-incidence of both Ganesh Chathurthy and Eid falling on the same day 9/11, 2010. Never had a conversation with my wife Meena about it... Came home late at night after a soul stirring sathsang at the AOL DC center and Meena showed me the prayer she wrote "on 9/11" (which stunned me because of the fact that I thought of the co-incidence too and repeated Gayathri Mantra - most of the day:

A PRAYER on 9/11:

Light the Lamp of peace, Dear Ganesha,
As we celebrate your birthday with joy...  
Light the Lamp of brotherhood Dear Allah,

As we celebrate Eid with fervor...
Light the Lamp of Love Dear Jesus,

As we remember lives lost today, years ago...

Light the Lamp of Truth, Dear Lord,

So we know you are the one behind names and forms

Meena Radhakrishnan

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Come Celebrate GP 2010 at Hartford Connecticut!!

Come Celebrate Guru Purnima in Connecticut!! We'll be there for the weekend!!

Stumbling Into Infinity - Interesting !!

This is a book written by Michael Fischman - on his experiences with Gurudev. The three folks who I believe have been like solid pillars for the Art of Living and with Gurudev for decades now are;
Michael Fischman
John Osborne
and Phillip Fraser
They have made huge sacrifices and are at the same time are so fortunate!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Connectivity of Clustered Cells of CHANGE = TRANSFORMATION

This is what Gurudev is doing to people all over the world -- helping them TRANSFORM!!  He covered Korea, Mongolia and other places last year and will cover Russia and China as well this year. North America, Latin America, Europe, Australia, NZ, Asia, Africa, the entire world has been covered by him many times... Now its these clusters that need to expand in size and connect with the bigger clusters.. eventually leading us to Transformation and Change - from a Caterpillar to a Butterfly - similar to the beautiful explanation given by Sri Deepak Chopra!! on Metamorphosis!! The dormant GENE in us will be awakened!!

Gurudev is the Keynote speaker at World Shift Council in Canada in June and will be back in the US in July 2010!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Innocence Inspite of the Intelligence

Innocence Inspite of your Intelligence is ENLIGHTENMENT!! JGD -- few more weeks for Gurudev's trip to US.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Sashi Tharoor with Sri Sri

One of the most interesting Dialogue with Gurudev.. Working in the space of "Digital Identity" myself, in the non-digital world I LOVE the approach by Gurudev and AOL on addressing the issues around the "Identity Crisis". As human beings we first need to learn the practice of being humans, and align ourselves more with our core positive identity as a human, then comes identifying ourselves with a community, country, race or a religion!! with an attitude of celebrating the enormous diversity in all of creation.. every one of us is so unique and that's the beauty (even when you are an identical twin like me). If we pluck one leaf from the billions of trees in this planet today, we cant find one more that matches that exact leaf.. Yet they are all the same!!

World Peace through Inner Peace - Program

Save the date April 29th at DC's DAR Constitution Hall (capacity of 4000). We will be there with many family and friends. My twin boys will repeat ART Excel during their spring break, and I might do part 2 again. I knew Gurudev could fluently speak many languages and is versatile in playing many instruments (Veena, Violin, Piano, Drums, etc.), however yesterday I enjoyed viewing some videos where Gurudev Dance's to Sivamani's drums.. and is playing like a child with a water gun!! Jai Gurudev- he is indeed the Guru of Joy and Celebration!! It will be one fabulous evening on thursday, april 29th - do not miss it!! The beauty is the fact that: he is having serious FUN; while simultaneously engaging in a series of serious initiatives (cleaning up river yamuna, anti-corruption programs, human values, peace building, conflict management, and more).. Gurudev and his energy AMAZES ME!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

See Divinity in Everything and Everybody - and get Enlightened

Divinity is everywhere. If everything is God, then it is not difficult to see God. The one who recognizes the divinity in everything and everybody, is enlightened!! - todays daily sutra...

Jai Guru DEV... Within everyone is the DIVINE and the DEVIL.. When we learn to overcome the devil within us and tilt more and more towards the divine qualities within us - we also see everything and everybody as part of this divinity... The (d)evils within us are the vices - anger, jealousy, lust, greed, etc.. get rid of them one after the other -- move towards...the divine qualities.... contentment, compassion, love, understanding, forgiveness.. and other divine qualities.. we become divine and we see nothing but the divine!! For me being in gurudev's presence for the 1st time in april 2006 was the new beginning!! he gave me punarnava - May his Magic work on everyone in this planet!!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Jaya/Jai Guru OMKARA Jaya Jaya

Since 2006 there is one song or the other that gets stuck in my HEAD ! Like Ajho Ananthaya, Guru Om Guru, and many more. I listened to Jaya (victorious) Guru Omkara - during Sathsang at Bangalore last summer and its stuck in my head -- Big Time. Rishi Nithyapragya's version and Jaspreet's are great and so are the others from East London and the Kids!! Gurudev is bound to be victorious in all he does!!